miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013


La tendencia en accesorios de este otoño es lucir anillos finos en las falanges medianas de los dedos. Los usan modelos y editoras de moda como Anna Dello Russo y Miroslava Duma e incluso Chanel los propone como marca de la casa. Los míos son de plata y acero y el de uña es de Mochitti. ¿Qué os parecen?

The latest trend for accessories is to have rings in the middle part of the fingers and even the nails. Models and fashion editors such as Anna Dello Russo have already shown theirs and even Chanel proposes them as a distinctive mark of the maison. The ones I show you are made of silver and steel and I got the one for the nail at Mochitti. What do you think?

2 comentarios:

  1. I just looooove sooo much ur rings! You are a veeeery cool girrrl!
    Love Miroslava Duma! I follow her on IG, though my favourite one is Cara Delevigne! LOOVE HER!
